How it started in 3 steps:
Noah wrote this letter as an in-class assignment. His Psychology, Sociology and Anthropology teacher Jill Goodreau challenged him to send it out. (While the Prime Minister did not write back, he did call Noah several months later.) Click the image of the letter to read it.

On Feb. 13, 2017, with the help of a Royal Bank RBC150 Award, Noah mailed his letter to the constituency offices of all sitting Members of Parliament.
Six months later, only 40 MPs had responded. So, he went to his local media first. This story by Ken Armstrong in received 12,000 shares. Noah's story took off in media across Canada and around the world. He called MPs across the country seeking responses to his letter. Click the image to read the article.

Some of the media coverage and other events
Noah was recognized by the Ontario Legislature for his mental health and addictions advocacy.

Noah discusses issues with Member Parliament Harold Albrecht, along-time supporter of better mental health services. Harold co-chaired a parliamentary committee which recommended in 2011 creation of a federal suicide prevention secretariat. Click here to see the committee's report. Pages 70-91 discuss suicide.

The Hill Times, the Parliament Hill newspaper for Members of Parliament covered Noah's meeting with the federal health minister.

Noah won the 2017 Everyday Political Citizen Award in the under-30 category for his advocacy efforts. He was nominated by Mike and Laura Balnar. Kulvir Gill presented Noah's case to the judges.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called Noah on Oct. 4, 2017. The PM said the idea of a Secretariat for Mental Health and Addictions in the PMO should be given more consideration.

Following a one-on-one meeting with Noah on Sept. 21, 2017, federal Health Minister Ginette Petipas Taylor said she would take the idea of a Secretariat for Mental Health Addictions forward to her cabinet colleagues and the Prime Minister.

Noah Part 1

Ontario Government image
Because it's based on a 2010 unanimous, all-party report, Noah supports Ontario Bill 149 which would created a Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions for the province. The cross-party support demonstrated seven years ago ago is needed more than ever. Click to see the all-party report and Bill 149.
Extensive media coverage:
To get a more complete picture of the media's coverage of Noah's activities, cut and paste the following into your browser:
"Noah Irvine" and "Mental Health"