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Noah talks about what drives him and the work ahead
Presentation to the Rotary Club of Guelph, July 27, 2018.
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Guelph mayor: municipalities are forgotten partners
in solving mental health crisis

Federal, provincial and territorial politicians talk about mental health and addictions but it’s municipal politicians who come face-to-face with the problems everyday. They see it on their streets, in their hospital emergency rooms, in their schools, in their parks, on their buses — anywhere there are people. They are the politicians who see daily the human tragedy and failures of the current mental health and addictions system. Yet, they are the politicians who have the least input into mental health and addictions policy. That has to change. Noah chatted with Guelph Mayor Cam Guthrie about the situation. (You may have to play around with your volume control a bit)
Talking with zoomers, boomers and seniors

Noah spoke to the Maryhill, Ontario, New Horizons group on May 10. Joan Haid, the group's program organizer booked Noah last November because, in her words, she "likes to get the best ones first."
Canadian constitution:
barrier to improving mental health services

Mayor Tory Mental Health
At the Mental Health and Cities Summit, Toronto Mayor John Tory acknowledged that mental health is a crisis for Canadian cities. He said urgent and coordinated action is needed among all levels of government. He noted that the Canadian constitution is a barrier to improved care and services that needs to broken down. Mayor Tory is be congratulated for opening a public discussion on mental health care and the Constitution. For too long, too many politicians have avoided this discussion. They have hidden behind the Constitution as a way to avoid responsibility for mental health care. (Video source: John Tory Facebook) Posted April 11, 2018
Cities are on the front lines of Canada's mental health and addictions crisis

John Tory speak at the Mental Health & Cities Summit
Toronto Mayor John Tory does an good job explaining the challenges cities face in dealing with Canada's mental health and addictions crisis. Cities are on the front lines everyday. This why cities need to have an important role in developing and implementing solutions to the mental health and addictions crisis which has an impact on every Canadian municipality. (Video originally published on FaceBook by Red Cache Network, April 10, 2018)